Wednesday, January 27, 2010

home again

okay, got home last night at about 815pm after leaving Mum's at 730am. Had a 2 hour stop at Tamworth. Not a bad trip, got tired and had to get Luke to drive before we got to Nevertire as I couldnt keep my eyes open. Luke drove from there to just this side of Nyngan, where I took over. Unpacked the car, gave Mum the obligatory phonecall saying we got home safely, had a cuppa, unpacked clothes, shopping etc, had a bath, put all dirty washing in bathroom then went to bed to read. Off to sleep at midnight.

woke at 7 to go to the loo then went back to bed and slept until 1030-ish. then got up and had a cuppa etc started the washing and then checked emails, facebook and the rest. Still doing washing (wondering if it is going to rain, it looks awfully dark out to the south), cleaned cats cage, washed and refilled dogs water bowls and Scotch's pool. and am writing this blog while waiting for a load of wash to finish.

have to go down the street to get some things and get back to get Nick some dinner and pack his crib before he goes off to work for his last night tonight.

sunburn is giving me a little hell, but oh well the day was worth it on the sand at South West Rocks...wish it was closer to here.

have a great day all xoxoxo

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

aussie sunburn

yep...sunburnt! but what is australia day if not spending it with family and friends in the great outdoors. Our day was spent at South West Rocks in the water and on the sand. Picnic lunch and playing with the kids in the water. Then back to the pool at Sandy's again playing games with the kids. Then Pizza for dinner. Great day...even with the sunburn (it isn't all that bad, have had worse). Then started packing up our stuff as Luke and I are off for home tomorrow. See you all in Cobar real soon. Missing Nick and the dogs and the cats but really enjoying the time off work.
xxooxxoo thank goodness for Mums aloe vera gel!
Goodnight all.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hmmm... just found out about all of this from Jes. Not sure as to how often I will actually get in here to write but we will see. Currently at Collombatti at Mum's. Bloated after the huge dinner I cooked at my sister's. Roast pork and veges. Spent the day in Port Macquarie, visiting family and shopping. Off to South West Rocks tomorrow with Mum, sister Sandy, her hubby Chris, their 3 boys Ryan, Mitchell and Braden and my boy Luke. Then off for home on Wednesday. Long drive 900kms, but at least Luke is willing and able to share the driving. See all you Cobarians when I return.
Night all
Paula (Beth)