Tuesday, January 26, 2010

aussie sunburn

yep...sunburnt! but what is australia day if not spending it with family and friends in the great outdoors. Our day was spent at South West Rocks in the water and on the sand. Picnic lunch and playing with the kids in the water. Then back to the pool at Sandy's again playing games with the kids. Then Pizza for dinner. Great day...even with the sunburn (it isn't all that bad, have had worse). Then started packing up our stuff as Luke and I are off for home tomorrow. See you all in Cobar real soon. Missing Nick and the dogs and the cats but really enjoying the time off work.
xxooxxoo thank goodness for Mums aloe vera gel!
Goodnight all.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an awesome day.
    I got sunburnt today today too - but mine was just taking the kids for a walk down town. Ha ha ha
    See you soon x x x
